Generalist's Guide to Modern Web Experience

Our mission is to help you decide what stack use for your next project.

We are building a collection of tools, frameworks, and services that can be combined to create a modern web application. Some call it Jamstack, some call it MACH, some call it Composable. We call it Stack.

For whom?

Digital Experience Managers

If your job is to make sure that your company's website is up to date, secure, and fast, this guide is for you.


We are trying to make it easier for you to make the right decisions for your team. We are trying to make it easier for you to communicate your decisions to your team.

The Power of Composable Architecture

You don't have to replace all of your stack at once.

The best part of composable architecture is that you can start small.
One simple project at a time.

And then you can grow. You can add more tools.