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Time to First Byte (TTFB) and Load time across different locations. Lower is better.

DB Query Time
DB Query Time
US flagus-west-1
US flagus-east-1
CA flagca-central-1
BR flagsa-east-1
DE flageu-central-1
GB flageu-west-2
FR flageu-west-3
SE flageu-north-1
IT flageu-south-1
ZA flagaf-south-1
SG flagap-southeast-1
JP flagap-northeast-1
HK flagap-east-1
AU flagap-southeast-2
KR flagap-northeast-2

Serverless Database features

Compare the features of the Serverless Database to help you choose the right one for your needs.


Infrastructure, Underlying technology

Cloud Infrastructure, database system and underlying egine

MySQL, Vitess, GCP, AWS

AWS infrastructure

Serverless Support

Serverless and Edge computing support


uses HTTP connection, JavaScript Driver

@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb, native support for Vercel Edge, Cloudflare Workers

Edge Functions

Serverless functions that run closer to the user, reducing latency and improving performance.
Cloudflare Workers, Vercel Edge Functions, Netlify Edge Functions

Runs over HTTPS protocol, compatible with Edge runtimes.Native multi-regional edge support. You can define regions for each table

Developer Experience

Database type



Data model

Databases store data in models, such as Relational, Columnar or Document based

Relational, SQL

key-value, NoSQL


Command Line Interface tools that allow developers to perform tasks and manage the tool via the command line.


AWS CLI tools

Languages, APIs

The languages supporting the database and API interface for inter-process communication

Any package/driver supporting MySQL, Prisma, Node.js, Go, Django, C#

Supported by majority of languages including Node.js, Python, Java, Go, C#, C++

Query language

Supported query language such as SQL, MQL, PartiQL,

SQL, MySQL variation

PartiQL (JSON like syntax)

ACID compliant

ACID is a set of properties of database transactions intended to guarantee data validity despite errors, power failures, and other mishaps
ACID compliant
ACID compliant


Support for self-hosted Database instance
Only Enterprise Plan members, AWS, GCP
Doesn't have support, Only for local development


Daily basis (Included in Free tier), Scheduled backups ($0.023 per GB per month)

Point-in-time recovery (PITR) provides continuous backups of your DynamoDB table data. When enabled, DynamoDB maintains incremental backups of your table for the last 35 days until you explicitly turn it off.

Security & Compliance Offerings


Service Organization Control 2 compliance for managing customer data.

Multi-factor authentication

Support of the cloud-histed database for multi-factor authentication


Cryptographic security at rest and on transportation level

AES Encription, TLS v1.3

All your data in DynamoDB is encrypted in transit, HTTPS, TLS


Monitoring and analytics

Log retention

Query log retention usually keeps lofs of operations for debugging and replication purposes
Based on plan, Unlimited for Enterprise

AWS CloudTrail for operation logs


Tools and APIs for analysing and monitoring of Database performance

Web based dashboard, read/write ratio

Amazon CloudWatch to monitor performance metrics


Replication and Partitioning

Database can be deployed on AWS, GCP supported regions (GDPR compliant)

"Global tables", Multi-region replication