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Static Site Generators features

Compare the features of the Static Site Generators to help you choose the right one for your needs.


Written in




Template Language

The syntax or language used to define the layout and structure of web pages.

Go-based HTML



Based on JS framework

Built-in module bundler

Community example


Static pages (SSG)

Dynamic pages (SSR)

Developer Experience

TypeScript support

Serverless Functions (API)

Small pieces of code that run on-demand without managing servers, typically used for API endpoints.

Focus on plugin system

Themes ecosystem

Hot reloading

The ability to instantly see changes in the browser without refreshing the page when developing.

Code Splitting

The ability of splitting code into smaller chunks to load them only when needed, improving performance.
Manual Code Splitting
Manual Code Splitting

Content Preview

Allows content editors to see live changes to draft content in a staging environment before it goes live.

Builit-in Optimizations

Third-party Script Optimization

Optimizing external scripts (like analytics or ads) to improve the performance and loading speed of your website.

Image Optimization

Community example

An option to disable runtime JS

For certain use cases, like static HTML + CSS websites where interactivity isn't needed, shipping JavaScript is unnecessary.
No runtime JS required by default
No runtime JS required by default
No runtime JS required by default

Critical CSS Extraction

Extracting only the CSS needed for the initial page load to improve performance.

Starters or examples with common use cases

Data fetching

Methods to fetch data from APIs or other sources, either at build time or runtime.

10+ Headless CMS examples

Community example


Community example

Community example

Adding search

Community example


Community example

Community example


Regular security audits by external researchers

Environment Variables

Variables used to configure applications based on different environments (development, production).

Content Security Policy (CSP)

Custom HTTP headers rules

Community example

Custom HTTP headers rules